John R. McGuire Award Information
“Perhaps the greatest challenge facing forestry today is the calendar namely the arrival of the 21st century. My question is, will American forestry be ready to meet the 21st century?”
John R. McGuire 10th Chief of the Forest Service, 1972-1979
The quotation above by former Chief John McGuire was quite prophetic as he looked into the future while expressing his concerns about American forestry as the profession prepared to enter the 21st Century. Chief McGuire was a man for his time and his rich legacy of accomplishments is well documented.
His strongest quality was his exceptional leadership. Given this background, the National Association of Forest Service Retirees established the John R. McGuire Award to honor him in recognizing current outstanding employees of the US Forest Service who exemplify the actions, traditions and spirit of John R. McGuire.
The John R. McGuire Award is presented by NAFSR, as former agency employees who lend expertise and experience in the management of national forests by providing non-ideological perspectives.
The Award is intended to recognize Forest Service personnel who have met the challenges facing the profession in the 21st century as envisioned by Chief McGuire. Members of NASFR clearly understand that those individuals or groups that have found a way through the endless process dilemma faced under 21st Century conditions should be recognized for their excellence. The Award is one of the most prestigious of all Forest Service awards.
The latest individual selected for this Award is Brett Beasley and the Award was presented posthumously to Brett’s family.
On October 23, 2017, NAFSR Chairman Jim Caswell and R-2 Regional Forester Brian Ferebee presented a posthumous John R. McGuire Award to the family of Brett Beasley in recognition of Brett’s outstanding accomplishments in management of the recreation program on the Salida Ranger District of the Pike San Isabel NF and Cimarron Comanche NG.
Brett had worked on the District for over twenty years before he lost his life in a backcountry skiing accident in early 2017. Brett worked both on and off the job within the community and built numerous partnerships that resulted in an outpouring of support for the recreation program and Brett’s leadership. He set a high mark for community and collaborative service.
Nearly a hundred people gathered at a conference center in Salida to recognize Brett’s work. Accepting the award were Brett’s wife, Cari, and his two daughters, Brooke and Bari.